Tai Chi
The attitude to lif, body and sports is different in the countries
of the Far East.
The most important point is health, and the inner harmony
of body, spirit and soul.
By exercising Tai Chi your body will achieve the following,
e.g. correct back posture for the spinal cord, coordination of muscles,
strong and supple bones.
Also you will feel supple joints, relaxed muscles, harmonized breathing,
stimulated metabolism and blood circulation. The body`s own energy
(the chi know in acupuncture) begins to flow throughtout. All these lead
the way to a healthy body.
In my Tai Chi Academy I am teaching Tai Chi, Qi-Gong and elements from Yoga.
During my philosophic statements I give the possibility to each participant to
get inspired in order to discover his personnel being in a free and holistic
The thoughts and wishes of the participants will be integrated into the
lessons and are an important part of my way of teaching.
On the download - page you
can get a small video clip of a lesson.